Saturday, May 12, 2012

Communication (Week 2) TV Show!

For this assignment, we had to record a television show that we normally do not watch and watch it without the sound.  We had to use other methods to determine the situational context and their expressions to gather information.  Since my kids are little, I normally do not watch any shows except on Nick Jr. or the Disney channel.  We also watch a lot of Disney or superhero themed shows.  When I do a have few minutes to myself I actually prefer to not have any sound to give my ears a break from the constand sound! 
For the assignment, I chose to watch PTI (Pardon the Interruption) with my husband  on ESPN2.  This show had two commentators that were discussing several events that occured in sports that week.  Without the sound, I thought that the two mean were fighting about a specific play involving Blake Griffin.  There were words on the right hand side that stated what the men were apparently supposed to be discussing.  They showed a clip of Blake Griffin being hit in the head while playing.  One of the men used vivid hand gestures and shook his hand in the emblem stating "no".  The other gentleman shook his head in agreement.  I assumed that they were talking about the foul that occured in which Blake Griffin was awarded two shots.  I thought that they were talking about how the foul was bad.  The second man looked annoyed at the clip.  His brows were furrowed. 

However, when I listened to the same conversation with the sound on, I noticiced that they were discussing Blake Griffin's "flopping" habit and how it is not good acting.  The first man stated that he did think that Blake was fouled but he over reacted.  The other man disagreed with the man and sad that Blake is a constant "flopper".  Obviously, I do not watch a ton of professional basketball so I did not know a lot about the situation. 

I think that if I had been watching a show that I knew well like iCarly (since my son loves it), I would have been able to read their expressions better.  I am familiar with thier body movements and facial expressions.  This familiarity makes it easier to read people more accurately.   

The reasons why I do not watch television much!  I love it!  They are my entertainment!

I also watched a show that I hear a lot about that I have never watched.  It had two women and a small child.  They were walking in a big city.  They were walking in close proximety.  They seemed to not be communicating.  One of the women was texting on her phone while the other one was talking to her.  They did not appear to interact with the child.  The next scene showed the women talking to a man.  The man appeared to be asking questions.  One of the women had her arms crossed and appeared annoyed.  The other woman began to cry.  The woman who was not crying did not pat the girl on the leg or offer any type of empathetic gesture.  The man continued to talk.  In the next scene, the woman who was crying entered an apartment.  A man was there.  She laid on the bed by him but they did not hug or kiss.  They appeared to argue and she left the room.  She went into a large closet type room and the other woman entered.  She appeared to be asking the crying woman some questions, but again offered no signs of comfort.  Then the show was over!  I have to admit that I was a bit releaved. 
The show was Kourtney and Kim Take New York.  
In the show, they did not really interact with the baby.  Kourtney held him, but they did not really talk to him.  They met with a medium.  He was asking questions and telling them about social interactions and things he "sees".  Kim begins to cry about the loss of her father and her divorce.  Her sister does not really comfort her at all.  When they arrive at the apartment, Kim sees her husband. You can tell that she does not want to be with him at that point.  She had her arms crossed and rolled her eyes.  She left the room and cried in another room.  Kourtney entered and asked her why she was crying.  Kim explained that there were problems with her marriage. 
I have to admit that I do not like reality television.  A lot of times the behavior annoys me.  A lot of my friends watch reality television and enjoy it. However, it is not for me.  My life does not resemble this at all.  Interesting experience! 


  1. Great post. I love that you watched a sports show and a reality show. Great idea! I agree with you, it would be easier to read shows we know because we know the characters better. I had a very similar insight. Great post!

  2. Great post! It is amazing what we may think individuals are thinking/feeling with nonverbal cues but then find out how mistaken we can be once we here the verbal aspect. I also found it interesting you chose a sports show, I never would have even thought of the idea. I also do not get a lot of time to watch television as the children in my care are also my entertainment as well as the four teenagers that I foster.

  3. Oh, how I can relate to "reading" and understanding what's going on in an episode of iCarly! Or Wizards of Waverly Place! It's been an interesting experience to see what non-verbal communication tells us--both with what is done and what is not done as was your case with Kourtney and Kim Take New York. There are certain non-verbal behaviors that we expect under certain circumstances to express empathy or concern on behalf of others. Interesting that you did not see that in reality TV.
