Friday, February 24, 2012

WEEK 8 Reflection 6163

I learned a lot from this course.  Prior to this course, I read research studies frequently about issues related to my son's medical issues.  However, I was always unsure what actually to believe from the information.  The terminology that I learned from this course will be very helpful in deciphering the important information. 

My research simulation was about whether parent knowledge about the laws regarding the transition from early intervention services to preschool impacts a parent's choice on available programs for their child.  I can tell you that I truly believe that it does.  My youngest son just "aged-out" of First Steps services and I have several friends whose children are in the process of "aging-out" of services.  If I did not have a background in special education, I think that I would have been lost.  This has made me realize that my role as a future developmental therapist for First Steps can also be an advocate for parents to learn about their parent rights.  It is so important to know the laws. 

I did find the course to be very challenging.  The terminology was hard and I was often confused on the variables of the studies.

Thank you all so very much for your input during this course.  I look forward to "seeing" many of you in our next courses!  Best wishes to you all!!! 


  1. Great reflection! I agree the terms were hard! I enjoyed having another course with you and look forward to working more with you in the future!

  2. Ditto on the terms. I had to constantly refer to my charts before I did any of the assignments. Your applications to your real life situation really helped me in this course. It was obvious that you knew something about research, too, because your discussion posts were always fantastic!

  3. Sarah, I have always appreciated your blogs, you incorporate such great input and well said words. I think it's so wonderful as a parent to understand and gain knowledge in regards to your child's medical condition. And accurate research is so very important in doing so. After reading many colleagues blogs, and good to know that I was not the only one who had some challenges in regards to certain terminologies. Best wishes and great work!!!

  4. Sarah, I am looking forward in sharing with you in this next educational venture of Learning Perspectives in Deversity and Equity..I always respect your dedication and inspiration for young children.

    Yours for Children
    Deborah Jones
