Friday, January 20, 2012

Week 3 Ethics

My background is in Special Education. I love working with children. I found teaching children with special needs to be very rewarding. I also have children of my own. My youngest son has special needs.

This is one of the reasons why I am very passionate about inclusion or mainstreaming.  Inclusion describes the process of integrating or including students with disabilities into general education classes.  These students would be included in their least restrictive environment (LRE) mandated by the Education for All Handicapped Children Act of 1975 (Public Law 94-142; now the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act). 

What are the perceptions of general education teachers toward teaching students with disabilities in their classes? Much of the available relevant information is found in teacher surveys (Scruggs & Mastropieri, 2006).  These surveys studied teacher’s beliefs, opinions, and acceptance of the inclusion of children with special needs in general education. 

Although personal feelings and beliefs toward inclusion is based on personal values, I am so thankful that this research was conducted to try to increase acceptance and knowledge about inclusion.  The key is education and knowledge about differences. 

My son, Owen, has special needs.  I am thankful that students with special needs are included to thier LRE.  My nephew, Masen, also has some special needs.  Masen was born at 28 weeks and has ADHD and other processing issues.  He is in 2nd grade and is fully included in his classroom.   


Scruggs, T.E. & Mastropieri, M.A. (1996).  Mainstreaming in Education.  Exceptional Children, Vol. 63(1). 

PHOTO:  My little babies...Ella, Masen (one of my nephews), Noah, and Owen...they love playing dress-up. 

Friday, January 13, 2012

Research Simulation early intervention star!!!
Ella and Noah...hugs!!!
Noah, Owen, & Ella...sibling love!!!

My background is in special education.  My goal is to become a developmental therapist.  However, it is my role as a mother of a child with special needs helped me formulate my research simulation.  My topic is parent knowledge of available services as a factor in children's effective transition from early intervention to preschool. 

My son just turned 3 and aged-out of First Steps.  If I did not have a background in special education, I would not have been prepared for transitioning my son from early intervention services.  As a developmental therapist, I hope that I will be informed in guilding parents in the right direction and help ease the transition into preschool. 

I found some good articles about my topic, but I am not exactly sure how to run the study.  I am thinking that I will survey parents of children who are about to or have just aged-out of early intervention services. 

Friday, January 6, 2012

EDUC 6163 Week 1

Excited to start a new class after the glorious break.  Our family enjoyed it! 

Noah is five and loves super heros and pirates.  He got a real treasure chest. 
Owen loves tractors, trucks, and Cars.  He got a nice truck and a workbench.
Ella loves princesses and babies.  She got a baby and a set of bunk beds for her babies. 

Excited for the input!